Expert Fire Safety Solutions


At Fire DES we can help with your design requirements regarding CDC by an accredited and registered design practitioner specialising in Fire sprinkler, Fire detection and alarm system, Fire hydrant, and fire hose reels. We make sure that your design meets all relevant requirements set by the Australian Standards and the BCA.


At Fire DES we provide with comprehensive, and detailed estimation of fire services, both Wet and Dry. Specialising in Design and Construct tenders by accredited design practitioners makes Fire DES stand out amongst other competitors. It is crucial to have knowledge in design and relevant standards in order to have a compliant quote for submission. We ensure that your price meets minimum standards, and EBA rates for labour.

Armin Omidfar is an FPAA Accredited design practitioner specializing in fire safety design and estimation for CDC requirements in NSW, Australia. Armin's holds a Masters in Architecture, with over 11 years in the construction industry.